Last Updated: Mar 26, 2021     Views: 49

Our library catalog system allows you to view your library account and create lists of titles.

You can reset your library PIN by following these instructions:

  1. On the library’s website select IvyCat located under the Discover! search.
  2. Select the Log In link at the top of the webpage.
  3. Select the Create or Reset Library PIN link in the Log In dialog box.
  4. Enter your C number in the Reset PIN box and select the Submit button in the Create or Reset Library PIN box.
  5. A recovery link will be emailed to your Ivy Tech email account.

Phone, Hours, Library Contact

a small icon  South Bend: 574-289-7001 x5343
 Elkhart: 574-830-0375 x4490

Current Library hours

Students: Schedule a one-on-one research session. Contact us to make an appointment:

South Bend-Elkhart:
Page Cotton,

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Include as much information as you can about your topic/question.  Use complete sentences.

Note: Questions submitted after hours will receive priority the next business day.

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