Last Updated: Feb 08, 2023     Views: 55


The differences between popular articles and scholarly or peer reviewed articles (scientific and professional literature) include authorship, purpose, scope, citation of sources, etc. Review this table indicating the differences among types of literature.  


Scientific Literature

Professional Literature

 Popular Literature

Alternative Description

Scholarly journals,
Peer reviewed journals

Trade publications, government reports

Popular magazines


Journal of Bioethics

World of Welding

Atlantic Monthly


Research findings, methodology, and theory

Summarizes or updates topics of interest

News, opinions, and general interest articles; may provide timely interviews


Expert, researcher, or specialist in the field

Expert, researcher, or specialist in the field

Journalist, staff, or freelance writer


Report research, advance knowledge

Provide general information about advances in field

Inform, persuade, or entertain


Board of experts in the field (peer reviewed)

General editors on staff

General editors on staff


Plain, articles have methods, results, & discussion sections

Plain, articles have general layout

Glossy, eye-catching, articles have general layout


Few or none

Few or none, perhaps related to the subject of the publication


Article Length

Often quite long

Can be quite 

Usually a few pages in length

Bibliography, references, or works cited lists

Yes – always cite sources


No, or rarely cites sources in a formal way


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