Answered By: Michael Steinmacher
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2023     Views: 62

Research can be complicated, but it doesn't need to be scary.   Use these tips to get started.  If you need more guidance, use the links below or consult the campus librarian.  


First things first: if you're doing research for a paper, you're definitely going to need a topic. What are you writing about? What is your argument?

Once you've chosen a topic, it's easiest to start research by turning the topic into a question. For example, if your topic is drones, what type of drones are you interested in - war, commercial, delivery, surveillance, or recreational? Is your stance for or against drones? What about other types of robots? 

Your research question could be as simple as What are drones being used for and why? But that is probably too broad of a question for a college-level research paper. Try getting more specific with your question by thinking about the 5Ws you learned in elementary school: who, what, when, where, and why. Who is affected by drones? What time period are you interested in: current, past, or future? What geographical location does your topic affect: the United States, the Middle East, or outer space? Are you interested in the ethics of drone use? 

A few better, more specific research question could be: 

  • How is the government using drones to protect American citizens? 
  • What are the risks of private citizens owning drones? 
  • Are drones an effective means of protecting the border? 
  • Do military drone strikes violate human rights?


Once you choose a topic and write a research question, you next need to determine what you're going to search. The library's databases don't work exactly like Google, so you have to break your question down into keywords. Keywords are the most important words and phrases from your research question.

If your research question is Do military drone strikes violate human rights? your keywords could be dronesmilitary, and human rights. You might also want to think about synonyms of these words like warweaponstechnologyaircraftcivil rights, and related words like antiterrorism.


Now that you have your keywords, you can finally start searching! If you don't know which database you want to search in, we recommend starting with the Discover! search bar on the Library's homepage because it searches most of Ivy Tech's databases. If you would rather search individual databases, you can find them on our A-Z list.   

Type your keywords into the search box using connector words like andor, and not. A search for our sample research question, Do military drone strikes violate human rights? could be any of these:

  • drones and military and "human rights"
  • drones and war and "civil rights"
  • drones and "Middle East" and antiterrorism
  • drones and war and technology
  • drones and war and ethics
  • drones and (war or military) and ("civil rights" or "human rights")

Narrow or Broaden

After you search, your results list might show hundreds or thousands of articles, books, images, or videos. If your search generated many results, you should narrow your results by using the filters on the left side of the screen. Start by selecting full-text (so you can read the entire article) and using the date range to narrow the results to the last 5-10 years.

If the search only generated a few results, your topic may be too narrow and you should broaden your search using different keywords and fewer limiters.


Most research questions take several different searches in different databases to find the best articles and books for a paper. Either change keywords using the synonyms you thought of in the "keywords" step above or choose another database from the A-Z list and use your keywords to do a search for new materials. 

Research is a process that takes time, so make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to find the sources you need for your paper or annotated bibliography. If you've made it this far and feel like you might need help finding sources, you can always email us or come visit the campus library.