Answered By: Barbara Minich
Last Updated: Feb 16, 2021     Views: 887

Not all articles in our library's paid databases come with full text. For a few, you will be able to open the record and read the abstract (the article's summary), but you won't be able to access the entire article. To eliminate any of those abstract-only results, be sure to click on the article's CHECK FOR FULL-TEXT box. When the basic record and abstract comes up on the next view, look on the LEFT side for either of these clues:  HTML Full-Text,  or PDF Full-Text. That means the article is available in its entirety in FULL-TEXT. Choosing articles with either of these clues gives the most productive results.

If a phrase coming up on the left side says only FULL-TEXT FINDER, that means to click further to see if the article is housed in another database. Following these clicks will take you to a JOURNAL by TITLE link via other databases, to access the article through the journal itself or another source. There may be some restrictions though, perhaps available only via a publisher's website for a cost.

Ivy Tech databases have many articles that are full-text; it is through careful searching you can often find similar articles on your topic.  If still needing a specific article in full-text, go to the REQUEST MATERIALS link on right side of the library website. Look for the "Interlibrary loan request". Fill out giving the article title, journal name, and its date.  Allow time, and we will try to locate elsewhere.


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