Using data and statistics can strengthen your argumentative writing. Below are places to find data online.
Census, Birth, Death, Education, Crime, Employment, Demographic
STATS Indiana population change, birth rate, employment, education, demographic data, and much more is the United States government’s open data website. It provides access to datasets published by agencies across the federal government. Covers a variety of subjects, from electric vehicles to food prices to border crossings
National Center for Health Statistics CDC health and disease stats, death rates, infection rates, fertility rate, pregnancy data
Our World in Data Global data on poverty, disease, hunger, climate change, war, existential risks, and inequality
FBI Crime Explorer U.S. crime data by type of crime, state level data, victim demographics
American Time Use Survey - 2023 A01 Results How Americans spend their time at work, sports, leisure, child care, etc.
Polls & Public Opinion
Data from current public polls provide a general consensus on topics such as religion, politics, education, culture and more.
Pew Research Center
Gallup Poll Topics and Trends
Marist Poll
Public Religion Research Institute