Answered By: Lois DeHoff
Last Updated: Feb 08, 2023     Views: 710

Each citation has two parts. The end citation is on the references page, and the in-text or parenthetical citation is within the structure of your writing.

An image of a pie graph diviced into two part. One part represents the intext citation and the other represents the full citation. The Intext citation is labeled as (smith,,2019) and the full citation ready. Smith, J.A. (2019) Perfect data collection. Journal of Business analytics, 4(2), 25-30.

Each end citation may have multiple in-text citations

The references list has full end citations for all material used except for personal communication and classical works. These citations include all the information a reader would need to find the material you used for themselves.

icon of student at a computer. a callout with an enlarged image of the screen show a search. The search if for the title Perfect data collection, the author smith and the journal name journal of business analytics.

The format of the citation varies slightly for different types of materials. They usually include:

  • Author(s) name

  • Date of publication

  • Title of publication

  • Publication Data (publisher, or Journal title and volume, issue numbers)

Horizontal lines dipicting a hanging indent pattern. First line of an entry at the margin with all following lines of the entry indented. The reference list is presented in alphabetical order using the first word of the citation, This is usually the author's last name. This page is double spaced and uses hanging indent format.

This example of an end citation is for an article found in a magazine found using the library website.  There are specific rules for how the citations formatted. The formatting includes the order of information, the punctuation, and the fort format. Check the library’s APA citation guide for specifics and examples for all source types.

Author last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year,   Month, Day). Title of article.  

     Title of Periodical, Volume number (issue number), Pages.


Hauser, R. (2020, Winter) Is our future equitable? As   businesses rely on more AI, changes must be made   to reduce bias in the data and results.  People &   Strategy, 43 (1), 48-50.

When information from a source used in a paper,  you need to include an in-text or parenthetical citation that will direct the reader to that source. The citation usually includes the author's last name and date of publication. It might also include the page number that the information was found on.

Icon of person, a calendar, and a page with the number sign to depict the use of last name, year, and page number in the intext citation.

.The author's name and date can be listed in the text of the sentence or in parenthesis after the information given. The example below is short summary with a parenthetical citation.

Bad data leads to poor results.  AI that uses inaccurate and skewed data will result  in erroneous and harmful conclusions. To prevent this standards need to be created that require unbiased  data that accurately depicts the population (Hauser, 2020, p. 50).

In this example, the author's name is used in the text of the sentence so it doesn’t need to be included in the parenthesis.

Documentary film maker Robin Houser (2020), claims that “artificial intelligence, in many cases, is also bias” (p.49).

Chech out our Citation Guide for information on how to format citations for different type of sources 


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