Answered By: Lois DeHoff
Last Updated: Feb 08, 2023     Views: 212

The Downtown and Lawrence Libraries have a document scanner located near the copiers and printers.

For instructions on how to use the scanner, see details below.

  • Touch screen to begin, then choose your scanning method.
    • If a user is scanning documents that are unstapled and traditional paper size (8.5” x 11”), the user would select the “Document” category. Place the unstapled documents into the document feeder upside down and backwards.
    • If scanning an ID, certificate, picture, or document (other than 8.5” x 11”) the user selects “Book” as their scanning category. Select scan destination (i.e. scan-to-fax, scan-to-email, scan-to-flashdrive, etc.). Open the cover and place your item to be scanned on the glass face down aligning it with the left side.
  • Then choose intended file format, color preference, and resolution quality.  
  • Click Scan Now.
    • If you wish to scan the other side of a material on the Book scanner simply open the cover and flip the item and select, “Scan More Pages”.
  • If using the scan-to-fax option, insert funds at this time ($.25 for a one-sided U.S or Canada fax, or $1.00 for a one-sided International fax).
  • If using the scan-to-flash drive option, insert your flash drive into the USB port in front of the scanner.
  • When finished scanning click Next, insert email and/or phone number, click accept/next, and select “I’m Done”


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